Higher Boundaries Empowerment Group

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This Business of Baby-Making?????

Posted by Higher Boundaries Empowerment Group Friday, October 23, 2009

Mom and Pops raised me to be a man who takes care of his responsibilities and his mistakes. The funny thing about life is that some of those mistakes turn into responsibilities that become blessings in diguise. Enter 50 cent...

New track heard here by "Fitty" has an interesting take on getting the draws wooing a woman. Especially when he says "Have a baby by me baby, and be a millionaire"  Really?  Was it me or did he make it seem like he was proposing a business deal?  After listening to the song a couple of times and taking it all in, I said to myself "self..." and self said "yes???" and I said you know the sad thing about it is that some chicken-head young lady will actually fall for that bs! 

What about this one from your boy Kels.  "Let's go half on a baby" How many dudes have used THAT to get what they want. How many females have given it up off these lines?  How many of God's children were conceived to this bs? I guess my issue really comes in with the lack of responsibility that this sort of thinking and acting promotes with in the tracks mentioned above. Is there some woman who is going to her nearest 50 concert while thinking "Gyrrrrl, I am going to be paid, cause I am going do whatever to get back there and see him tonight?"  What about that dude who has PERFECTED the (inmydeepvoice) "Let's go half  on a baby, BABY!" spill down to an art, but does not know how to take car of his seed once it drops.   As I said earlier. Mom and Pops raised me to be a man who takes care of his responsibilities and his mistakes. Amongst all the thoughts that flooded my mind was the thought of Who is the highest paid baby mama in the land?  

1. 50 cent  pays out over $25,000 per month in CH-SUP to his "Baby Momma" for his child. (that is over $300 stacks/yr) some people dont make in a year what she is getting paid per month. Oh yeah and btw apparently she took him
"fitty" back to court in 2007 because that wasn't enough.

2. Russell Simmons says he's happy to fork over $40,000 a month in child support for his two daughters. That is over 20,000 PER child PER month.

Read more here  

3. Kim Porter also recives $20,000 per month according to a 2001 people mag article.

So after my random thoughts of celeb babies and baby momma drama started to become formatted thoughts instead of incoherent rambling, It was clear to me that we have a flawed system in my opinion. I do believe that a child should get everything they deserve from from both parents, regardless of the relationship betwen the parents. It is unfortunate when (as it is in SOOOO many cases) the parents can't even stand each other, can't even be friends are not together, but the child should not suffer. That being said I don't think that a woman should take advanage of a situation either. This might not sit well some of you ladies when I say this but, personally I think that 20K per month is more than enough to take care of one child, even if it IS 50 cent's baby. After all it is CHILD suport not the lottery, although, you did hit it big if you had a baby by fitty.....(see the song above).

As I said before I was raised to take care of my responsibilities and if I were in the situation where I had a child that i could not be there for in the same household day in and day out, then I would do everything i could to make sure that his needs were taken care of regardless of my relationship with his mother. That is a sacrifice that has to be made. Some of you "sperm-donors" may be saying, "he don't know my baby momma, that chick is (insert so your adjective here)." Well sperm donor (by the way, don't be offended by that name, if you are doing what you need to do, and what is right, for your seed, I am not talking to you)it is YOUR and your crazy a$$ Baby Momma the mother of your child's responsibility to find a way to make it work.

I have to wonder when i look at a lot of the Youtube videos that are floating around the site, facebook and other social networks, what happened to the fathers in these homes. I won't go into specifics but when you look at a young man of 8 or 9 yrs old, dancing to Beyonce's-"put a ring on it" like he was auditioning for the video itself, I wonder "where is his father?" Is this truly where the world is today? Are we really exploiting our kids to the point that what someone thought was "cute" turned into something completely distasteful and inappropriate? But.....That's a whole other topic.

So to recap, fellas
  a. Wrap it up.........(nuff said right?)
  b. If you don't like what you have to pay in Chsup on the regular,(should've peeped point a.)think...it  could always be worse. Are you paying 20 stacks per month?
  c.Take care of your seed.......phyisically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. You never get a second chance to raise your seed the right way whatever that is.



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