Higher Boundaries Empowerment Group

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.


How do YOU define SUCCESS? (part 1)

Posted by Higher Boundaries Empowerment Group Monday, October 12, 2009

Success is a word that can be defined in many many different ways. The American Heritage Dictionary defines it in this manner:(http://www.thefreedictionary.com/)

suc-cess  n.

1. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work.
  a. The gaining of fame or prosperity: an artist spoiled by success

. b. The extent of such gain.
3. One that is successful: The plan was a success.
4. Obsolete A result or an outcome.

Obviously anyone with a pulse can categorize some type of accomplishment into one of these categories.  But how do YOU define success?  Personally I tend lean away from the word when it is used in the context of  an overall "official " classification of oneself! I think that my status or how I rate myself is broken down into the individual goals both long and short term and how close i come to achieving those. Do I consider my self successful....it depends.  

Only you can define your success!  Is it money you want? maybe power? nice cars  or clothes? (biting Drake)  Whatever you feel will make you be successful is what you should get up every morning focusing on.  Have a plan for your life. If you do not feel that you are where you need to be right now, don't sweat it.  Do not beat yourself down about it. Just stop now, take the time to think about where you wanna be, and how you can take control of your life.  Once you have that plan in mind , put it on paper . Break your short, mid, and long term goals down and work on them, one task/action at a time.  You determine how high you can  reach. I am just here to help if you need me. 

Now, me personally, when I was young, I wanted to be a doctor. A Sports Physician to be exact. I was going to go to college, then med school, then find a job working for a pro football team making six figures a year. That didn't take long to change after about 3 weeks of Calculus in college. (Business management it is  then) Long story short,  currently I have a degree in Computer Networking, a far cry from where I started out. I took the bumps and bruises that life threw at me (still getting beaned btw) and I navigated them one day at a time. Celebrating each success as it came my way.  "Test tomorrow, gotta make a good grade" Check!  "Get through the year without getting a speeding ticket" Check! "She is fine, can I get number?" Yep! (only sometimes though) 

One successful task at a time. That's how i continue to measure complete success in life. 


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